My name is James, and I am a Fantasy Footballaholic. I can't seem to get enough fantasy football, even during the entire offseason. Joining a dynasty league has certainly helped satisfy my cravings during spring and summer. I created this blog in the general hopes of creating sort of a fantasy football portfolio. I hope this will help pave the way for at least a part-time FF career publishing articles, consultation, rankings, etc. For that goal to come to fruition, I am attempting to create an ever increasing following of FF addicts, who enjoy my work and respect my advice. This blog is therefore not just a fun hobby, but also an application of sorts.

Feel free to leave your comments.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Analyze This ~ Week 3

--For my currently very few fans, I apologize for not being able to post my week 3 analysis. The little time I have to work on this blog (mainly at night after my wife and 2 daughters are sleeping) has been absorbed by my girls being sick and needing all of my attention and comforting during the night. I'm sure you guys are certainly more worried about looking toward week 4 right now. I should be able to blog next week more easily. What you see following this, is part of the rough copy intro to my analysis, which I started Tuesday--

Three weeks gone, and so should be a majority of the season's flukey outcomes that are typically associated with the first two or three weeks. I have noticed throughout the years that many unpredictable things happen during this initial run of the season. Many players of lesser talent are completely jacked up on adrenaline, QBs and WRs are working out their timing routes, new coaches are figuring out how their teams play together and which plays work better than others, offensive lines with new members are learning how to play together, and basically a lot of kinks are worked out of players and plays. You will see a lot of very good teams like Carolina and Tennessee have slow starts while learning that some things have changed and some things should change from the previous year, or maybe some things that have changed didn't need to.

You Will See Much More of This...

...And Much Less of This

On the Path to Sleeper Stardom

On the Path to Bust City

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