My name is James, and I am a Fantasy Footballaholic. I can't seem to get enough fantasy football, even during the entire offseason. Joining a dynasty league has certainly helped satisfy my cravings during spring and summer. I created this blog in the general hopes of creating sort of a fantasy football portfolio. I hope this will help pave the way for at least a part-time FF career publishing articles, consultation, rankings, etc. For that goal to come to fruition, I am attempting to create an ever increasing following of FF addicts, who enjoy my work and respect my advice. This blog is therefore not just a fun hobby, but also an application of sorts.

Feel free to leave your comments.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Arian Foster will BUST

~~I will begin by expressing my gratitude for those who have continued to check in to my blog, even though my increasingly busy schedule has kept me away from most of my extracurricular activity, including blogging. I wish I could write a good full-length blog with in-depth analysis in an hour, but it is much more time consuming than that. However, I will be posting much more frequently (and probably in a more abbreviated fashion) during the season, so don't forget about me.~~

This is not one of my fancy-shmancy professional article looking blog entries, because I don't intend it to be. I am simply recording one of my boldest predictions in a while, and I wanted to have it dated before the season begins to live or die by it.

For the entire offseason, I have been calling Arian Foster overrated...

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