My name is James, and I am a Fantasy Footballaholic. I can't seem to get enough fantasy football, even during the entire offseason. Joining a dynasty league has certainly helped satisfy my cravings during spring and summer. I created this blog in the general hopes of creating sort of a fantasy football portfolio. I hope this will help pave the way for at least a part-time FF career publishing articles, consultation, rankings, etc. For that goal to come to fruition, I am attempting to create an ever increasing following of FF addicts, who enjoy my work and respect my advice. This blog is therefore not just a fun hobby, but also an application of sorts.

Feel free to leave your comments.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Unfortunately, I have decided to officially call it quits on this blog.  I will most certainly publish again in the future, maybe here, maybe somewhere else, with fantasy football my primary topic of choice.  I may also consider publishing a blog with my culinary creations, many of which are original works of deliciousness.  As for now, it is just not feasible for me to set aside time (and sleep) to blog for my already dwindling audience.  I greatly appreciate those who read my work and enjoyed it.  I hope to blog for you again one day.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure if you still check this, but I would like to get in contact with you. If you can reach out I would appreciate it.


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